New sign-up planI've had some second thoughts on the way we're inviting people to this BloggerCon. The plan where each DL gets 10 invites and chooses them as if they were panelists at a non-unconference, was interesting, but imho, it didn't work as I hoped it would. So one of the hallmarks of BloggerCon planning is, when something isn't working, don't be afraid to change it. The new plan is very simple. Tomorrow morning we'll open a Wiki-based signup page. There will be space for 125 sign-ups, and the first 125 people to sign up will be part of the show at BloggerCon IV on June 23-24 in SF. There's lots of room outside the meeting room, and wifi everywhere. The weather is likely to be great. There's also BarCamp going on in SF on Saturday, so there's lots of blogging schmooze available South of Market during the conference. # Posted by Dave Winer on 6/7/06; 11:06:59 AM - --
The next BloggerCon is in San Francisco, June 23-24, 2006. Wiki dinners